This project ended in 2023. We preserve his site due to the interest of its contents. Contact: Participants

Working Groups

Titles, short descriptions and responsible beneficiaries

Working Group 1

Strengths and weaknesses in coastal risk management

The objective will be to know the impact of the risks on the coast and the problems that arise. Recognize the existing gaps and weaknesses in prevention, especially in urban planning and spatial planning.

Responsible: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME)

Working Group 2

Risk mapping for urban and territorial planning

The main results of this WG will consist of a series of tools for the generation and updating of cartography of danger, vulnerability and risk in coastal areas adapted to different risk scenarios foreseen by climate change.

Responsible: Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa (IGOT-Lisboa)

Working Group 3

Development of management tools based on the integrated study of fluvial and coastal dynamics

Integrated study of fluvial and coastal dynamics, with special attention to the morphodynamics and transport of sediments, as well as the impact that extreme rain events can produce in the different coastal systems. The results of the WG will consist of a series of advanced numerical modeling tools, laboratory experimentation and simulation of different climate risk scenarios.

Responsible: Universidad de Granada. Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización (UGR)

Working Group 4

Tools to support early warning systems for different types of risk and coastal models

Development of computer, cartographic and mathematical tools to support early warning systems and disaster management. These tools will be based on different innovative techniques such as satellite and terrestrial DInSAR monitoring, drones, or on mathematical simulations based on spectral analysis. The result will be a series of tools to support early warning systems for different types of risk and coastal models.

Responsible: Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)

Working Group 5

Tool simulation and test exercise

Carrying out a participatory simulation of an emergency with cascading risks applying the tools developed. The final objective of this WG will be the evaluation in a real situation of the tools developed in the project as well as a critical analysis of the aspects to be improved in the future.

Responsible: Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement (CEREMA)

Working Group 6

Natural rehabilitation and preventive measures for adaptation to climate change

Design of adapted rehabilitation measures based on nature. The main objective will be to encourage the use of this type of measures and to promote a change of mind in society towards more natural, lasting and less expensive rehabilitation and prevention measures.

Responsible: Asitec, Ingeniería Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente, SLP (ASITEC)

Web hosting and technical maintenance sponsored by:

Huelva web design, Free Software and Internet. Domains, web hosting, CMS Plone and others, blogs, electronic stores, ERP, CRM, SSL, LSSI, LOPD, etc.. Huelva, Andalusia and the rest of Spain.