This project ended in 2023. We preserve his site due to the interest of its contents. Contact: Participants

RISKCOAST disseminates its main results in congresses, media and at its final meeting in Granada (Spain)

The RISKCOAST project has been successfully completed, providing a wealth of useful information for organisations working in the analysis and management of natural hazards in coastal environments.

This information has been presented during the last months in different spaces and for different audiences in order to disseminate as much as possible the results obtained during the last 3 years.

With respect to processes related to terrain instability, the ADATOOLS tool developed within the framework of RISKCOAST was presented at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).

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Presentation of the ADATOOLS tool by Oriol Monserrat (CTTC) at the EGU assembly.

At the International Symposium on Ground Deformation Monitoring JISDM 2022 held in Valencia, the prize for the best poster of the symposium was awarded to the RISKCOAST team with a study of ground instabilities identified in the Lisbon metropolitan area.

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Award-winning poster at JISDM 2022 presented by Jorge P. Galve (UGR).

The first National Congress on Emergencies took place last June at the National School of Civil Protection of Spain. RISKCOAST members actively participated in the round table on action protocols for landslide and landslide risk.

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Intervention of Roberto Sarro (IGME-CSIC) in the round table of the National Congress of Emergencies of Spain.

With respect to the studies developed on erosion analysis, hydrology and coastal dynamics, at the 39th International Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), the work related to climate change scenarios and their impact on water resources, the fluvial environment and soil loss was disseminated.

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Presentation by Marina Cantalejo (UGR) at the IAHR 2022 congress

At the International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR2022) the analysis of flash flood risk in the municipality of Setúbal was presented.

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Cover of the presentation by José Luis Zezere (IGOT) at ICUR2022

The media have also echoed the activities of the project. Rosa María Mateos, member of the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute team was interviewed on RTVE by Juan Luis Arsuaga. In the interview there was an opportunity to talk about the activities of the RISKCOAST project and its main results.

The simulation carried out in Bidart (France), at the end of May this year, was covered in news programs on France TV and TV5Monde channels, and in the local newspaper Sud Ouest. These appearances of RISKCOAST in the media join those already made on Canal Sur in Andalusia or on the IB3 in Ibiza.

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Control center of the simulation carried out in Bidart (France) with members of CEREMA and BRGM.

Among the dissemination activities, it is worth mentioning the publication of the video of the emergency drill in Mallorca on the project's Youtube channel. This video summarizes the objectives, products and experiences that have been developed in RISKCOAST.

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Images taken from the Mallorca simulation video

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Protagonists of the Mallorca simulation video

Finally, RISKCOAST members together with guests from companies, public organizations and NGOs were able to exchange information, approaches and experiences at the final meeting of the project. This meeting was held in Granada from September 21 to 23, with a technical visit to areas studied during the project and a workshop where the final results were presented and discussed.

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Participants in the final meeting of the RISKCOAST project

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Presentation of the results on flooding in the Guadalfeo river delta

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Presentation of research on slope movements in the Rules reservoir

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Explanation of the problems caused by landslides in the urbanizations of the Costa Tropical

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Presentation of the works for the prevention of landslides on the rock face of Salobrena

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