This project ended in 2023. We preserve his site due to the interest of its contents. Contact: Participants

The collaboration between IGOT and IGME provided essential information for the Mallorca simulation and for the assessment of unstable terrain in Lisboa.

Cristina Reyes, contracted by the RISKCOAST project in the Spanish IGME team, spent three months (October-December 2021) working with the Portuguese IGOT team at the University of Lisboa.

During this stay, they worked on vulnerability, susceptibility, exposure and risk due to rock falls in the Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca). The results generated form part of the deliverable of project E.4.3.2 "Technical report on the cartographic products generated in Mallorca" and were used as support material in the emergency drill carried out at the end of April in Mallorca. Also during this stay, other tasks and field campaigns were carried out to evaluate unstable terrain detected by InSAR in the surroundings of Lisboa.

IGOT-IGME Mallorca-Lisboa

Maps produced by the IGOT and IGME teams of the hazard, vulnerability, exposure and risk of landslides in the municipalities of the Tramuntana mountain range in Mallorca. A. Landslide hazard map. B. Map of the vulnerability of society to landslides. C. Map of elements exposed to landslides. D. Map of landslide risk. These and other maps were used by the emergency teams in the emergency drill carried out in Mallorca.

IGOT-IGME Mallorca-Lisboa

Photograph showing Cristina Reyes (IGME), José Cuervas (University of Oviedo) and Sergio Oliveira (IGOT) in a field campaign, where they identified damage linked to land subsidence near the Ribatejo thermoelectric power plant (Lisboa).

IGOT-IGME Mallorca-Lisboa

IGOT-IGME Mallorca-Lisboa

Satellite image (top) and InSAR displacement map (bottom) of the Castanheira do Ribarejo area (Lisboa) where the thermoelectric power plant mentioned in the previous image is located. A clear subsident zone of unknown origin is observed, coinciding with an urbanised area. The observed velocities are in the range between 1 and 3 cm/year.

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