This project ended in 2023. We preserve his site due to the interest of its contents. Contact: Participants


Beneficiary entities of the RiskCoast project

Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss. 8860 Castedelldefels (España)
The CTTC remote sensing department (RSE) is in charge of carrying out research related to the generation and analysis of space, air and ground data, and developing its scientific and technical applications. This department is highly specialized in the measurement and monitoring of deformations on the ground. In recent years, RSE has coordinated two European projects (Safety and U-Geohaz), based on the use of satellite SAR data for geological risk prevention.

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME)

RÍo Rosas 23. 28003 Madrid (España)
The IGME has participated in the last 10 years in European projects that follow the research theme of the RISKCOAST project, such as: FP7: DORIS Y LAMPRE or H2020: SAFETY and U-GEOHAZ. Among the tasks performed, stand out the development and validation of tools based on remote-sensing and modeling of geological processes that involve risk, such as landslides, rockfalls, soil subsidy, erosion, etc.

Bureau des Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM)

Parc Technologique Europarc, 24 avenue Léonard de Vinci. 33600 Pessac (France)
In the field of natural geological hazards, the BRGM has focused its activity on assessing vulnerability and risk management, implementing databases for risk management through the acquisition of monitoring systems, thereby supporting local authorities and actors. In the field of gravitational hazards, his work has focused on understanding, evaluating and helping to manage risks associated with slope and ground instability, with the aim of analyzing failure and propagation mechanisms, developing measurement and modeling methods, and the validation of these models in pilot sites.

Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement (CEREMA)

25 avenue François Mitterrand - CS 92803. 69500 Bron (France)
CEREMA is the public body of reference for the complete risk management chain that provides support to State services to territorial entities. Its competences range from risk definition to the resilience of the territories, through the analysis of their vulnerability and support in crisis management. It operates on a regional scale, but its research team on gravity movements (MouvGS) and the "Vulnerability and crisis management" service, both located in Aix-en-Provence, and which provide support to local entities in the French SUDOE region they do not have all the necessary skills.

Universidad de Granada (UGR)

Hospital Real. Avda. del Hospicio S/N. 18071 Granada (España)
The UGR has two leading research groups in geological risk assessment and analysis of fluvial and coastal dynamics, two of the main pillars on which the proposed project is based. The Relief Analysis and Active Processes (ARPA) group masters cutting-edge techniques such as radar-satellite interferometry or the use of drones for the analysis of dangerous geological processes on the coast. The studies of the Flow Dynamics Group are providing management tools that are currently used by entities with responsibility for coastal management. These two groups have participated in international projects of the UNDP program of the UN, initiatives of the European Space Agency and of the European programs FP7 (NOVIWAM, LAMPRE), H2020 (ECOPOTENTIAL) and Interreg (BMV, DO-SMS).

Asitec, Ingeniería Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente, SLP (ASITEC)

Faisán nº21, locales 4, 5 y 6. 18014 Granada (España)
ASITEC and its professionals have 20 years of experience in the development of civil engineering projects, covering all phases of development from planning, study of alternatives, design and technical definition in the field of hydraulics, transport, urban planning and the environment. . He will contribute to the project, his knowledge and experience in the definition and approach of rehabilitating technical solutions that mitigate the environmental effects that climate change produces in the territory.

Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa (IGOT)

Edíficio IGOT | Rua Branca Edmée Marques | Cidade Universitária. 1600276 Lisboa (Portugal)
IGOT-ULISBOA brings together a team of researchers who develop theoretical and applied work in the evaluation of susceptibility, danger, vulnerability, risk and the perception of natural, environmental and technological risks. The research carried out uses GIS tools and spatial modeling techniques, and the main applications are aimed at spatial planning and management and emergency planning.

Associated beneficiaries

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